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lundi 30 avril 2012

Google sums up its Java case: 'There was no copying'

In closing statements, Google's counsel reasserts that Google employed Java APIs in a fair-use manner for Android, transforming them into a full smartphone stack.

SAN FRANCISCO -- After Oracle made its closing statements on Monday morning at the U.S. District Court, Google's Robert Van Nest stepped up to the plate, defending Android's implementation of the 37 Java APIs at question in this lawsuit.
Van Nest's core defense rested on positioning this as a case of fair use, asserting that Android is not a copy of Java 5.0 SE but rather a "substantially" different work with different success in the market.
"It's a whole platform that didn't exist before and transformed the use of Java for a smartphone stack," asserted Van Nest.
Van Nest outlined four points to Google's position in this intellectual property suit:
  • Sun gave the Java language to the public
  • Google built Android using free and open technologies
  • Google made fair use of the Java language APIs in Android
  • Sun publicly approved Android's use of Java
"Copyright infringement requires that you copy something," Van Nest said. "There was no copying here because Google knew that it couldn't use Sun's source code."
Also on copyrights, Van Nest pointed to the jury's instructions about judging "the work as a whole," which actually consists of all 166 class libraries and all that entails (i.e. implementing codes, names, declarations, etc.) -- adding up to 2.8 million lines of code in Java 5.0 SE. Van Nest added that Oracle has to prove that it was "more likely than not that copyright infringement occurred."
"This kind of use of APIs in this way where you use the minimum you need to be compatible is fair use," Van Nest declared.
Additionally, a good portion of Van Nest's closing arguments was based on the testimony of former Sun Microsystems CEO Jonathan Schwartz last Thursday.
Although Schwartz acknowledged that Sun wasn't happy that it couldn't come to a partnership agreement with Google, Van Nest recalled that Schwartz did say that Sun supported Android's use of Java nor did it have any grounds to file a lawsuit.
"For years, Sun had been promoting use of Java programming language," Van Nest said. "That was their whole business plan."
Again pointing to Schwartz's November 2007 blog post in which he congratulated Google for the debut of Android, Van Nest reminded the jury that Schwartz knew Android was written in Java and must have included the Java APIs in question ahead of the SDK release.

"If that isn't an affirmative endorsement of a product, I don't know what is," Van Nest lambasted.
To further hammer down Sun and Oracle's previous support for Android, Van Nest reminded the jury about a video of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison at JavaOne in 2009, where Ellison said Oracle expected to see more Java devices coming from "our friends at Google," and that Google had done "a fantastic job" in opening up Java.
Although specifics about Android revenue and other financial matters have been banned from the presence of the jury in this trial, Van Nest reasserted the open source status of Android as a benefit to the developer community.
"The point is that Google doesn't make any money on licensing or selling Android," Van Nest said, explaining that Google decided to make it open "to foster innovation and get widespread use."
In his rebuttal argument, Oracle counsel Michael Jacobs spoke again about how Android has blocked Java from success in the smartphone market, reiterating that it is "impossible" to compete with a free version of its licensed products.
Jacobs concluded, "We need the help of the justice system to enforce our intellectual property rights."
After closing arguments for the first segment of the trial ended on Monday morning, Judge William Alsup proceeded with the rest of the instructions for the jury about ruling on copyright infringement contentions.
The jury, made up of seven women and five men, will begin deliberating today for one hour and then pick up again on Tuesday morning. Judge Alsup previously warned both parties that the jury could take up to a week to deliberate, but he predicted that they would come back within a day and a half. The decision must be unanimous.
After they return with a verdict, the case will move into the second segment of the trial, focusing on patents.

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dimanche 15 avril 2012

Emma Watson Caught Kissing New Boyfriend at Coachella Music Festival

Emma Watson celebrated her birthday not with bang, but with a big kiss!
The Harry Potter star was seen smooching her new beau, Will Adamowicz, at Coachella Music Festival on Saturday night. The couple, who met at Oxford University while they were there on a placement from Brown, kept warm by cuddling up to one another as they watched Laura Marling perform.


The People vs. Apple

The U.S. DoJ has slammed Apple and several major book publishers with a suit alleging price-fixing in the e-book market. Apple, according to the suit, worked with publishers to foist a new business model onto the e-book industry -- one that took pricing controls away from retailers. Meanwhile, Nokia and Microsoft got serious, Facebook got Instagram, and Best Buy's CEO got out of Dodge.

Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) has been accused of acting as ringleader of a price-fixing racket, enlisting half a dozen market-dominating companies in a conspiracy to profiteer through anticompetitive practices and artificial price inflation. The market: e-books.
The U.S. Department of Justice has sued Apple along with a handful publishers, accusing them of orchestrating a sales agreement that effectively changed the business model under which e-books were sold. The syndicate, according to the DoJ, pushed an agency model upon the industry, basically limiting retailers to selling e-books only for the prices named by publishers, as opposed to a wholesale model, which would allow retailers to establish their own prices.
Apple rounded up the major publishers named in the suit and convinced each of them to sign functionally identical agency contracts, according to the DoJ. That would eliminate price competition and facilitate Apple's habit of taking a 30 percent cut of the total revenues earned through downloads of things like apps and e-books. Those publishers then allegedly turned around and demanded that everyone else who sold their e-books jump on the agency bandwagon too.
One of the biggest losers in Apple's alleged dealings with publishers was Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN), which lost some control over how it priced its e-books.
About half the publishers named in the suit folded immediately and settled with the DoJ. But Apple and others fought on, and it seems that Cupertino may have a good shot at getting off the hook, for the most part. Even if Apple were the syndicate hub, it's not much of a book publisher itself, so it might be more difficult for the DoJ to sell a case that it was responsible -- to the same degree as publishers -- for price-fixing in an industry in which it participates only indirectly. So Apple may not have to pay as much to make this go away.
The other publishers face a tougher fight. Publishing is their game, and as some of the biggest names in the business, it'll be easier to prove they were colluding to fix prices.
There's also a question of just how much damage this alleged activity really caused. Apple's huge, and the publishers involved are among the biggest in their field, but price-fixing is an accusation that's usually shot at companies that are already enormously dominant in their fields. And in the field of e-books, Amazon happens to be the top player.

All in the Timing

Best Buy (NYSE: BBY) recently outlined a new plan to get itself back on track and compete against online retailers that are profitably running circles around the big-box approach to selling. That plan involves dozens of store closures, layoffs on every level of the corporate ladder, and a new focus on smaller stores that sell primarily wireless products.
What it didn't say at the time was that Best Buy's new direction also involved the departure of the chain's CEO, Brian Dunn.
That news came early this week, and it was quite a surprise. The company insisted the decision was mutual -- Dunn wanted out and Best Buy wanted him gone. But he's spent nearly 30 years there, and despite the slump Best Buy's in, it's unusual to see a boss step down so soon after he lays out a dramatic new plan for the future of his company. He didn't even get a chance to fail.
The situation started smelling fishier by mid-week -- and it was an aroma that triggered memories of a jarring executive ejection from yesteryear, that of Mark Hurd.
Hurd used to be the CEO of HP (NYSE: HPQ). Then came allegations of inappropriate use of corporate funds -- much of them spent in the company of a female HP associate who was not his wife. Big scandal, Hurd got the boot, and HP's top offices were thrown into even more disarray than usual. Don't worry too much about Hurd, though; he more or less landed on his feet with Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL).
With Best Buy's Brian Dunn, the details and allegations began dripping out just after his departure was announced. A Best Buy spokesperson revealed that his resignation came just after a probe into his personal conduct kicked off. That probe involved an audit committee, though according to the spokesperson, it's not related to Best Buy's operations or financial controls.
And after that came allegations -- unsubstantiated at this point -- of an inappropriate relationship with a female staffer. Reports asserting that information cited anonymous sources.
Exactly what that means is still unclear -- we don't know if it was a fully consensual relationship, a possible case of sexual harassment, or even whether anything actually happened at all. But judging by Best Buy's words and actions in this matter, whatever this matter happens to be, it sounds like the company expects a lot of lurid details to bubble up any minute now.

Once More, With Feeling

Nokia (NYSE: NOK) and Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) are grizzled veterans of the smartphone scene, but their long-term presence hasn't translated into success for either company over the past few years. Microsoft's Windows Mobile was once a big player in the small world of mobile OSes, and Nokia made very nice smartphones back before most people knew or cared what a smartphone was.
Anymore, though, the market belongs to Android and iPhone, with Research In Motion's (Nasdaq: RIMM) BlackBerry hanging on by its fingernails. Windows Mobile is working out of some guy's closet in Redmond, and Nokia has opted to reinvent itself after turning its back on Symbian and MeeGo, two mobile OSes it had been championing just a couple of years ago.
But these two companies have made a pact to rejuvenate their mobile aspirations as partners -- Microsoft's relatively young Windows Phone platform running on a new generation of Nokia devices directed at the U.S. market. It took months to get things rolling, but it appears now Winkia phones are ready to hit with full force.
The first of these phones to arrive on U.S. shores was the Lumia 710, which debuted on T-Mobile earlier this year. Not much impact there. Middling specs, pedestrian design, and availability only on the smallest of the major U.S. carriers limited its appeal.
That was just the opening act, though. Now the Lumia 900 is available on AT&T (NYSE: T), and that's the phone the companies have really put their weight behind.
The Windows Phone OS has been getting good marks from critics since it first arrived. As for the hardware, they've praised Lumia 900's design. It's still a glass rectangle like pretty much all other smartphones, but it has some interesting details like the rounded edges and a loud blue color option -- or white or matte black if you want something more subdued. Its specs might not qualify it for Superphone status at this moment in history, but it pulls its weight, it has a nice Carl Zeiss lens and an AMOLED screen, it does LTE, and the $100 price point is something that could turn a lot of heads when comparable phones cost about twice as much.
AT&T, Nokia and Microsoft have aligned for a major marketing push to make the Lumia 900 a hit -- promotional programs, big ad spends, even a free concert in the middle of New York. With that kind of coordination, one might think the phone's actual launch day would be made up to be a big event. Apparently not -- it came out on Easter Sunday. Not a huge shopping day in the U.S. In fact, lots of AT&T stores shutter their doors for the holiday.
But that didn't prevent the phone from picking up buzz. Specific sales figures aren't in, but there are indicators that the Lumia may be selling pretty well so far. It topped Amazon's bestseller list for a while, and some buyers claim AT&T stores are running out of inventory fast.
If the Lumia 900 is a hit, Nokia may be the company that needs it the most. Right around the time the phone went to the shelves, Nokia revealed disappointing handset sales for the first quarter of the year, and the news took a heavy toll on its share value. Maybe three months from now it'll be able to tell a different story.

You've Got Patents

In its heyday, AOL introduced millions of Americans to the Internet for the first time, usually through noisy and slow dial-up connections. And believe it or not, dial-up access is still an important source of revenue for the company. Its choking-robot modem song is still being sung every day in households all over the country.
But AOL knows that in order to get any real revenue rolling in, it has to do much more than just rely on a dwindling number of users who either can't get broadband where they live or aren't aware it exists. Its latest gig is selling patents, and its newest customer is none other than Microsoft.
Redmond has paid AOL $1 billion for 800 patents, covering everything from technologies that fill out Web forms automatically to online video to instant messaging functions. Many are relatively new patents, but there are some golden oldies in there too, including several patents that originally belonged to Netscape.
The last big patent buy-off to hit our radar was Facebook's move to purchase rights to 750 technologies from IBM (NYSE: IBM), probably to fend off a legal assault from Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO). In that case, it was an old, enormous great-gramps of a company selling a tiny fraction of its total patent holdings to a young upstart for the purpose of self-defense.
In the case of AOL, though, it just sold a huge chunk of its portfolio to an older, larger company that's already sitting on a mountain of patents. And while Microsoft's purpose for acquiring those patents isn't entirely clear, they're probably not meant to be a counterstrike weapon just in case Yahoo or anyone else drops a legal bomb in Microsoft's back yard.
Instead, the company could use its new patents as weapons in its legal cold war with Google (Nasdaq: GOOG). Microsoft's style isn't to just push the button and launch the nukes like Yahoo did, though -- not all the time, anyway. Sometimes it just sits down with a Google partner -- an Android phonemaker, perhaps -- and talks about how incredibly similar some of its patents are to technologies used in Android, and wouldn't it be a shame if there was some kind of infringement going on. Oh, and we're running a special on licenses this week, don't you know.
This is how Microsoft has managed to draw hundreds of millions of dollars a year in profits from the sales of Android phones.
Then again, perhaps Microsoft was playing defense, in a way. Maybe Redmond just bought those patents to keep them out of Google's hands. If that's the case, it apparently wasn't much of a battle -- Google reportedly didn't even bid on them.

Last Splash

In a matter of weeks, Facebook will stand on the altar of capitalism and take a vow to have and to hold any investor who comes along with a enough cash to buy a share. When it makes that commitment, it'll no longer be a freewheeling commercial bachelor. It'll have to settle down, answer to its shareholders, report its income, and fixate entirely on maximizing profits.
The big day is inching closer for Facebook, and maybe that's one thing that was on its mind when it treated itself to one of the biggest social media splurges on record. It went out and spent $1 billion to buy up Instagram. Maybe this was Facebook's bachelor party, maybe it was a wedding gift to itself, but whatever it was, it was an incredible amount of money to spend on what's basically a photo-sharing application and miniature social network.
Granted, Instagram isn't as ridiculous as Color, the social app that a year ago managed to secure tens of millions in funding before it even launched, then went very quiet very quickly. Instagram actually built up a many-millions-strong user base in the year and a half before it hit the motherlode, though for most of its existence it limited itself to the iOS platform.
What Instagram does is pretty simple. You use your phone to take a picture. Then Instagram throws in a shot of instant nostalgia by way of filters, colorations, distortions -- basically it turns that image from something that looks like it was taken with a high-tech camera into something that looks like it was taken 40 years ago using old film. Then it uploads the image to the Instrgram network, where others can view your photo and you can peruse similar shots.
I will not disclose whether that's art, but some of Instagram's more devoted members do take the service pretty seriously. There was an uproar a couple of weeks ago when a version for Android was finally made available. Before that, Instagram was strictly iOS, and some users lamented what they said was an influx of unwashed hacks.
But does it all sound like a company worth $1 billion? It's worth it if the buyer says so, I guess, and now Facebook is the proud owner of a billion-dollar mobile photo-sharing app and network. Whether it was a good investment depends on what Facebook is going to do with it.
Critics have pointed out that Facebook already does photo sharing, so what did it really get from this deal? A billion-dollar filter pack? Others see more possibilities besides just integrating a few photo features and login options. Instagram could bring some kind of new mobile power to Facebook, which is something the network could really use. The acquisition could be used to give Facebook's visual discovery and search a new sheen, or give brands and companies new ways to reach customers through Facebook, sort of in the way Pinterest has done so far.


mercredi 11 avril 2012

Rihanna Life's In Pictures (Second Part )

AFP - Getty Images

Day in court

Rihanna stands with a lawyer inside Los Angeles Superior Court during a hearing in the Chris Brown felony assault case on June 22, 2009. Brown, below, pleaded guilty to assaulting his former girlfriend and was sentenced to 180 days of community labor.

Hans Deryk / Reuters

Another court

Rihanna sits courtside during Game 4 of the NBA Finals basketball game between the Orlando Magic and the Los Angeles Lakers in Orlando, Fla., on June 11, 2009.

Stephen Lovekin / Getty Images

Well suited

Rihanna attends "The Model as Muse: Embodying Fashion" Costume Institute Gala at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York on May 4, 2009.

Lucas Jackson / Reuters

Happier times

Chris Brown and Rihanna perform during the Z100 Jingle Ball in New York on Dec. 13, 2008. Several hours before the two were to appear at the Grammy Awards on Feb. 9, 2009, a confrontation left Rihanna bloodied and bruised and Brown behind bars.

Kevin Winter / Getty Images

Bright lights, big city

Rihanna arrives at the 2008 American Music Awards at Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles on Nov. 23, 2008.

Evan Agostini / AP

Stylish pals

From left, Gucci Creative Director Frida Giannini, Madonna and Rihanna attend a Gucci UNICEF dinner at The Oak Room at the Plaza in New York on Nov. 19, 2008

Stephen Lovekin / Getty Images

Rock 'n' rollers

Singers, from left, Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Ashanti, Natasha Bedingfield and Nicole Scherzinger perform on stage during the Conde Nast Media Group's Fifth Annual Fashion Rocks at Radio City Music Hall in New York on Sept. 5, 2008.

Rob Loud / Getty Images

H&M and R

Rihanna signs autographs at H&M for the launch of the Fashion Against AIDS Collection in New York on Jan. 31, 2008.

Kevin Winter / Getty Images for Nickelodeon

Avoiding the slime

Rihanna and actor Brendan Fraser perform on stage during Nickelodeon's 2008 Kids' Choice Awards held at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion in Westwood, Calif., on March 29, 2008.

Ethan Miller / Getty Images


Rihanna accepts the Favorite Soul/Rhythm & Blues Female Artist award during the 2007 American Music Awards at the Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles on Nov. 18, 2007.

Rihanna Life's In Pictures (First Part )

Brendan McDermid / Reuters

Rihanna on the plaza

Rihanna kicks off the 2011 TODAY Concert Series on Friday, May 27 with her No. 1 song "S&M" off her new album "Loud."

Friedemann Vogel / Getty Images

Now is the time when we dance

Rihanna performs during the German TV show "Popstars You & I" final at the Koenigspilsener Arena in Oberhausen, Germany, on Dec. 10, 2009.


Less is more

Rihanna appears on the January 2010 cover of GQ magazine. Rihanna's stunning looks have made the Barbados native a cover girl for magazines, as well as a pitchwoman for Cover Girl cosmetics.

Danny Moloshok / Reuters

Awards night

Rihanna arrives at the 2009 American Music Awards in Los Angeles on Nov. 22, 2009.

Ray Tamarra / Getty Images

R you intrigued?

Rihanna poses for photos at Best Buy in New York on Nov. 23, 2009, while promoting her new album, "Rated R."

Dave M. Benett / Getty Images

She sparkles

Rihanna attends a party celebrating her birthday and the launch of the Nokia X6 at Mahiki nightclub in Mayfair, London, on Nov. 16, 2009.

Henny Ray Abrams / AP

Glamour girl

Rihanna takes the stage after being named one of Glamour magazine's 2009 Women of the Year during an awards ceremony at Carnegie Hall in New York on Nov. 9, 2009.

Ida Mae Astute / AP

Opening up

Diane Sawyer, left, interviews Rihanna about her relationship with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown and the beating she suffered at his hands on Feb. 9, 2009. The interview aired on "Good Morning America" on Nov. 5, 2009. "There are a lot of women who've experienced what I did ... but, not in the public," Rihanna said.

Eric Ryan / Getty Images

High style

Rihanna attends the Chanel Pret a Porter show as part of the Paris Womenswear Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2010 at Grand Palais in Paris on Oct. 6, 2009.

Frantzesco Kangaris / EPA

Bask in the 'Inglourious'

Rihanna arrives for the premiere of the film "Inglourious Basterds" in London on July 23, 2009.